I would rather have one little rose, From the garden of a friend, Than to have the choicest flowers, When my stay on earth must end. I would rather have one pleasant word, In kindness said to me, Than flattery when my heart is still, And life has ceased to be. I would rather have a loving smile, From friends I know are true, Than tears shed around my casket, When this world I've bid adieu. So bring me flowers today, That I can gaze upon; I'd rather have one blossom now, Than a truck load when I'm gone.
18 มีนาคม 2554 11:25 น. - comment id 1188193
From my heart to yours....... Sam
18 มีนาคม 2554 12:07 น. - comment id 1188197
These white for you, You will be in my mind, With love.
21 มีนาคม 2554 14:26 น. - comment id 1188378