25 พฤษภาคม 2545 21:28 น.



T o all my dearest friends..
H appy I am always when youre around
A ppreciated for all your kindness
N ever giving out the blindness
K eeping all my hope and thoughts

Y oure the person with all my trust
O verwhelm the darkness of heart
U nderstand the truth of life.				
25 พฤษภาคม 2545 21:21 น.

thinkin of U


Although that hope seems to impossible
although my thoughts seems unbelievable...
When my heart sank
when my thoughts thought that life is too hard for me
I then set my mind to freedom
but I still thought
I thought of you
and then I know                        
I can make my way through..				
25 พฤษภาคม 2545 21:04 น.

Be Safe


My heart stabbed deep
and cried in pain.
When I know that 
Ill never see you again.
But all you did for me was great
I want to tell you that
youre appreciated.				
25 พฤษภาคม 2545 20:56 น.

lonely sea


As darkness slithers through the sky...
as all the light seems to flow by.
The sea stop glowing with blue waves..
and only nature could be heard.
Birds stop chirping....
people gone.
Seems so lonely...all alone...
the sound of waves that could be heard...
seems like a message of sorrowness...
the crying sea of pain.
The sun lowers down in between..
leaving a bright horizon...
falling in between the mountains
falling into to sleep..
leaving the sea alone...
in total loneliness				
25 พฤษภาคม 2545 20:39 น.

Path of an Angel


The Path of an Angel
flows in the sky...
flows everytime when night passes by...
leaving trails of glittering stars...
glitters down to earth.
Sending messages from the moon..
to all the flowers that shant bloom.
Cross the sky with her wings
and happy dreams she brings.				
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Lovings  Zen เลิฟ 0 คน